About cutting
A video as introduction:
More details especially for women:
More details especially for men:
A brief summary about the distribution of cutting worldwide and in Europe:
Out of the women and girls, who live currently in the world, 200 million are cut. In 2019 for example, 4.1 million women and girls were cut.
Because people often don‘t talk about it, there are no exact numbers, but there are probably more than 600.000 cut women and girls in Europe, and 180.000 girls in 13 European countries are at risk to undergo cutting.
Percentage of women having undergone FGM/C
Source: UNICEF, G.A.M.S., Pharos
Incidence of FGM/C in Europe
This data has been internally gathered by the End FGM European Network using existing studies. It should be noted that methodologies used for the studies differ as well as the years of data collection. In the meantime, some countries have noted significant increase in the numbers. The collection of data continues to be a huge challenge.
Source: EFGM_Annual_Report_2019_WEB.pdf
Let’s focus on the most important topics and watch the videos:
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Legal situation in Germany
The most important fact first:
All variations of cutting in women are legally banned in Germany!
Here you see what this can mean for all who are involved.
What do German laws say about genital cutting in girls or women? It is a criminal act!The reason is that it is a violation of human rights and as such against German and International law. Cutting is punished in Germany, even if it is done outside of Germany.Therefore, it is forbidden to cut a girl or woman in Germany or bring her abroad for it. The punishment is up to 15 years in jail for all who plan a cutting or let others do it, for example parents, or do cutting themselves, for example a cutter. Of course, the cut girl or woman is not punishedParents who have their daughter cut or don’t protect her can also be jailed and in addition, may lose custody. This means that girls are taken from their family for a while or a long time. They are then looked after by governmental institutions. If they do not have a German passport, parents may even lose their right to stay in Germany.Everybody must act if he or she hears about a planned cutting: Teachers, friends, neighbours and so on must help to hinder the cutting, otherwise, they can also be punished.They can inform the youth welfare office or call the governmental helpline at 0800 0116016. Even a doctor is obliged to pass on information to protect girls and women. This is not against his duty to keep medical secrets.If there is a risk to be cut in the country of origin this is regarded as a reason for asylum in Germany. Usually for the whole family, but it depends on the exact situation in the country. Uncut girls are protected and also cut women if another cutting is probable, for example prior to get married or after giving birth to a baby.Nobody should forget that cutting is violence and as such must be prevented!
Types of cutting
How is female genital cutting done and what does it mean for the girls and women?
There are many ways, but 4 types were identified, which are shown in this illustration and further explained in the video below.
Source: End FGM
Female Genital Mutilation or Cutting, abbreviated as FGM/C is mostly a taboo. As it is an important topic for affected girls and women, we urgently need to talk about it and in order to do so, information is provided here. This includes graphics of the women's body to show what happens.In many countries of the world, the genitals of men and women are cut for various reasons, this can generally be called cutting or circumcision. Let us see what exactly is done and what it means for the health.In men or boys, the foreskin of the penis is removed, mostly for religious reasons. Usually, it heals well and causes no severe or lasting health problems. Urination and sex are just normal afterwards. If the foreskin is too tight, the cutting is even necessary.In contrast, there is never a medical reason for cutting women! And it always causes damage for their whole life. This is why it is officially called mutilation and why it is forbidden in nearly all countries nowadays.The World Health Organization distinguishes between different types of female genital mutilation.Type 1 or small sunna or clitoridectomy is the partial or complete removal of the outer part of the clitoris, which is number 4 in the normal vulva.Type 2 or big sunna or excision is the partial or complete removal of the outer part of the clitoris and inner labia. For comparison see numbers 4 and 2 in the normal vulva.Type 3 or pharaonic cutting or infibulation is like type 2. In addition, it allows only a small vaginal opening for urine and menstruation blood. This is done by sewing or scarring, for example by tying up the girl's legs for quite some time. In both cases, the cut parts grow together during the healing process.As you can imagine, a child cannot be born through this small opening. This is why the woman needs to be opened before birth, which is called defibulation. Afterwards, she has to be closed again to fulfil the norm. This is called re-infibulation; the whole process is repeated for each birth.Type 4 includes all other methods to injure the vulva, often also with the intention to narrow the opening. This happens during the healing process similar to the process for type 3. There are no images, as the result depends on how severe the injuries were and how well they healed.The damage caused is in all cases severe! Therefore, female genital mutilation or cutting is very dangerous for the health of girls and women.
The practice of female genital cutting always causes problems for the girl or woman –
usually throughout her whole life!
All types of cutting the female genitals have consequences, at once and often throughout her whole life!It’s mostly done without anaesthesia or hygiene. The pain can become unbearable, and the girl or woman loses much blood, often also consciousness.Even bones in arms and legs may break due to being restrained. Directly afterwards, there can be fever, anxiety or sadness, and bad dreams.The injuries of the vulva sometimes get inflamed, and bacteria and viruses can cause infections, if unclean instruments were used or the wounds were not properly treated. Infections easily recur and can even be mortal, for example in case of a sepsis.There are not only the intended injuries, but also accidental ones, for example if the guts or the urethra are also cut, because the cutter knows little about medicine. This allows infections to spread even more into the body.Most women also suffer from life-long pain during the monthly bleeding and at every visit to the toilet. In addition to scars, many structures can grow over years, which should not form part of the body, for example cysts and tumours.Pathways like the urethra may become narrow. And new, unnatural connections develop between organs, the so-called fistulas. For example, between vagina and guts or vagina and bladder. Consequently, urine and faeces exit through the vagina at any time without control.Control may be lost if the muscles to close the bladder and guts are injured and don’t work anymore. Doctors call it incontinence.Sex often hurts, so that the woman may even lose interest in it. Even new injuries can happen with sex like the tear of the area between vagina and anus. And infectious agents like HIV can be passed on.Despite having sex, the woman may have trouble to get babies. If she becomes pregnant, this period and above all giving birth can be life-threatening for both mother and baby.These were just a few examples, but for sure, every cutting of girls and women means a high risk for their body and mind. And it increases if the cutting is repeated, for example if the woman is opened for marriage and birth and closed again afterwards.For all open questions, there are doctors and specialists. Most important is that cut girls and women are not left alone with their problems, let’s start talking!
Cutting always hurts also the soul. Just like the body forms scars during healing, the mind has to cope with the experience.
Which problems are usual? Nightmares and other sleeping disturbances. Nervousness and problems to trust others.
So-called flashbacks, during which the cutting is relived in one’s mind. They are like a memory of the cutting and as such a big problem, because it feels so real!
Constant pain, for which doctors cannot find any reason, for example headache, pain in the limbs, nausea and bellyache, or just anywhere in the body. They are likewise an echo to the cutting.
It is also very difficult to talk about the cutting. Much easier is not to think of it and to avoid people, places, food, and so on, which remind of it.
It is important to know that all these problems are a normal reaction of the soul to a life-threatening and very painful experience. It needs a long time to recover from it and therefore, a lot understanding and patience from the others, above all the family.
The symptoms are quite different for each girl, each woman, and so does the way to deal with them. There are specialists trained to help girls and women if there are severe problems in daily life, for example at school or at work.
Frequent tiredness and bad dreams, maybe a lack of pleasure in life and even a wish to disappear are valid reasons just as great nervousness and fear, frequent flashbacks and problems with friendships and relations.
Even if it is not yet sure whether help is needed, this means that it’s time to do something!
Cutting means a high risk for the pregnancy and above all for giving birth and the time afterwards. This is true for the mother and the baby!
Already during pregnancy, cut women die much more often than uncut women. With a small opening to the vagina even examination is difficult, and possible problems can be overlooked.
Each cutting causes scars, especially type 3, the pharaonic. The scars need to develop new every time when the opening is made wider after marriage and even more expanded for each birth – only to be closed again afterwards!
The scar tissue is no longer flexible and the way out for the baby very narrow. This can cause ruptures that injure blood vessels, nerves, and muscles, sometimes down to the anus.
The woman can lose enough blood to die from it. Another possibility are fistulas and the loss of control on the bladder and guts. The injuries during birth are more severe than in uncut women.
But the baby is also in danger! If its way through the narrow birth channel takes too long, it does not get enough air. This can cause great damage or even death.
Even if a caesarean section is done to avoid bigger problems, it is often not possible without difficulties. If the mother has a contagious disease, it can be transmitted to the baby through the wounds much easier.
Overall, considerably more mothers and babies die! Therefore, it is good to visit as soon as possible during pregnancy a doctor for women, a gynaecologist.
This ensures that all necessary examinations can be done. And it can be agreed which is the best time for an opening. If it is done during pregnancy, this means another stay in hospital, but afterwards, giving birth can hopefully happen almost normally. If it is done only shortly before birth, there is only one stay in hospital, but the risk for unexpected problems is higher.
Information is key to take an own decision and to have a chance to experience this special period without damage and to give birth to a healthy baby!
Why is female genital cutting done?
There are many stories and arguments why a girl should be cut.
We looked at the most common ones and compared them with reality in short videos:
People say, cutting a woman's genitals is good for her family and the community. Is this true?
Let's have a look and become myth busters!
Some say that only a cut woman is clean.
But it is the other way around: The genital labia protect the inner parts and organs from bacteria and dirt for example.
A cut woman easily gets infected and becomes ill!
Others say that women’s liquids and moisture are disgusting and even dangerous.
No, they are also important as protection of the inner skin from infections and damage. They make sexual intercourse smooth and pleasant. Whereas a dry skin makes it hard and painful!
People think that the clitoris is poisoning and causes infertility in the man. That it may even kill the man upon touch. Or male babies during birth.
There is absolutely no proof for this, but babies die more often during birth if the mother is cut, mostly because it takes too long for the baby to make it through the narrow birth channel, and they don’t get enough oxygen…
In the end, nothing is left which argues for cutting.
People say, cutting a woman's genitals is good if a woman wants to have babies. Is this true?
Let's have a look and become myth busters!
You’ve heard that cutting makes it easier for a woman to become pregnant?
On the contrary: Many cut women don't become pregnant. They suffer from bad healing, scars, infections, and tumours for example. Sex is more difficult for the man and painful for the woman. Both may even not like it and not get babies.
In addition, an infertile woman is punished twice: Apart from continuous pain and other health problems, it gives her man a valid reason for divorce. This can put her living at risk.
People may have told you that being cut makes it easier to give birth.
Again, the contrary is true: Cutting often causes a narrow birth channel and other complications, which hinder an easy or even normal birthing. Cut women and their babies die much more often during birth.
In the end, nothing is left which argues for cutting.
People say, cutting is an important tradition for the woman's moral and prescribed by the religious rules. Is this true?
Let's have a look and become myth busters!
Did they tell you that uncut women cannot behave well? That they will masturbate, become man-mad, or even a prostitute? That only a cut woman is true and chaste and cutting is important to protect the family’s reputation?
There is no influence of cutting on a woman's character or behaviour. It only hinders sexual pleasure and causes a big trauma to her body and mind which lasts her whole life long!
But doesn't religion require it!?
The habit of cutting women's genitals is older than all big religions, and none of the holy books demands the cutting. They all say that every human being was made by god with intention and has a right not to be hurt.
In the end, nothing is left which argues for cutting.
People say, cutting a woman's genitals is good for the woman herself. Is this true?
Let's have a look and become myth busters!
Have you heard that it is necessary for a girl to become a woman and get married?
All necessary changes in a girl’s body are perfectly arranged by nature and take place during adolescence without any need for additional actions.
People say that the uterus from an uncut woman can fall out, that insects could invade the vagina, and that uncut women are likely to become hysteric.
This only shows how little people know about the female body, it is all false! The natural vulva protects the woman.
There are rumours that the clitoris can grow if it is not cut and may even reach the size of a penis.
This has never happened! The clitoris as organ indeed corresponds to the penis, but it does not harm at all, it only provides sexual pleasure.
Maybe you’ve been told that cutting protects a woman against rape.
Unfortunately, it does not make rape more unlikely, but in all cases more painful and dangerous, as a forced penetration causes more severe injuries.
In the end, nothing is left which argues for cutting.
Certainly, you’ve noted that all videos end the same, because there is absolutely no medical or any other good reason for the cutting. Therefore, we think that girls and women should remain entire!
Links and material
Many organisations collect information about cutting,
- where it comes from
- how it spread
- what the situation is in the different countries
- and so on…
For example here:
Do you need a print-out to share with your family or friends?
The following brochures are available in several languages: